28 Apr 2011


Hey potential investors,

New HYIP out. Realbizopp is the name and from what I've seen its not a ponzi scheme and what they’re claiming is that they’re investing the money you invest in real businesses. The amount of money you can make is not astronomical, around 1 to 2 % daily,  which makes it more believable that it may actually be true. It has been online around 8 days so it is fairly new, and if it is a ponzi scheme you have a good chance of making some money if you invest in it as soon as possible!

The minimum you can invest is $50 and accept liberty reserve to pay out the money. Register in 5 minutes check it out and tell us what you think in the comments below! Remember to always invest what you are to lose, better safe than sorry.

Update: People claiming they are being paid

Keep the cash flowing!

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