Competitions and Prizes

We decided to start a new section in this blog to help all of you who are trying to get referrals on your favourite website.  We're holding a Bi-Monthly competition and the winner will get his referral link listed instead of the generic link to the website of his preference on the post where said website is mentioned.  Preferably a website that we have already covered in a post, as it would take longer to get your link up otherwise.

All you need to do to participate in this competition is follow our feed via email (side panel), follow us on Facebook and write your Facebook name (for confirmational purposes), surname and email address (not necessarily the one used for Facebook) so that we can contact you in the comments sections below! That's it!

If you do not win the competition you can take part in the following one, but to do so you need refer a friend to this blog.  When your friend participates and does all that is mentioned above and sends his details, he/she should mention your name in the Comment Box in this format: " I have been referred to this website by (name) (surname), (email address)"

For those of you who wouldn't like to leave their details in the comments section, please send an email with the subject: "Weekly Competition".

Next Competition Winner will be announced on:
Date:                             Name                           Website Referral Chosen
15th May 2011               Patrick                  
29th May 2011

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