Personal Experiences


Day 1

Hey all,

I’m trying to make some money (aren’t we all!!) and decided to try some PTC sites. I chose this kind as its free and may actually generate some good revenue if I make the right choices. After looking around the web for some sites I came up with the following:

After a quick Google Search, they all seem to be legit, with various users claiming they have been paid by the respective companies. After signing up, all this took was about 5 minutes each site and doing an AlertPay account, which is also free and does not take long to do.

 I started clicking the ads to make some cash. The biggest variety I found was at clixsense were the maximum payout per advert was $0.01 and the minimum being $0.001, but the ads paying the most being about a minute long. The other sites had fewer ads but each ad was shorter in lenght around 3 seconds so I wasn’t expecting a big pay out.

 All in all I made little money, but I have no referals till now. Rentring referals is an option I’m trying to avoid. Overall I made around $0.20 in less than a day. There is potential! Please post your experiences in the comments below.

Blogger :)

Day 2

Still trying to make some cash via PTC, to be honest it’s extremely slow and I only managed to make $0.10 overall today. The problem is that I have to make a minimum amount before I can withdraw any money and this seems to be very farfetched at the moment.
Trying to get some income with PTCs without any referals is going to be tough but I’ll still follow through! Registered to a new site seems to have a variety of ways how to make money besides PTC, Tell me how you guys are getting along!


Day 3

Still going on with the PTC idea, I now have a total of $0.68, from 4 said to be legit sites. The amount is increasing nicely and all this takes less than 10 minutes of my time a day! The best payout is of Pay4Bux were they usually pay $0.01 for an add of 1 minute which helps increase the cash quite quickly since they have around 5 of these ads, too bad they still suffer from going offline occasionally.

For those who want to give it a try these are the sites I’m currently using:
Let us know of any other sites and give us you opinion in the comments below!

Day 4

Money steadily going up! Reached $1 now. The pay isn’t anything special, but you’re literally being payed to just sit in front of your computer and click a few times, so didn’t really expect any better. I’m expecting to make a payout by the end of next week, my best chance is via Bux4Real. Unluckily enough they were offline for a few days this week so couldn’t really do much but they’re back on the radar and are giving me the best value for my clicks, about $0.01 per click! The longest serving PTC, NeoBux, is giving me the least value for my clicks unluckily enough but this is kind of expected due to the large number of people who use the site.

Referrals haven’t been easy to come by. I’m trying to promote PTCs as much as I possibly can but people are extremely sceptical whenever you mention easy legit money, got to be expected I guess. Feel free to join and help me out and I’ll let you know if I get paid or not. My referal links can be found in Day 3, would really appreciate any support.

Keep the cash flowing!

Day 5

Hey all here are some screenies of where I am right now in regards to the PTC sites I joined above:


Comparing the clicks to money ratio, Bux4RealAeBuxBananaBux pay the most. Hopefully by day 14 I will have managed to post the first screen shot of my payout! Let us know about your experiences with PTCs in the comments below.

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