28 Apr 2011

Music = Money ??

Great new idea out there today! Making money by listening to music, who would’ve though of that ah...The idea seems barely simple, MusicXray are willing to pay you to listen to the songs they are advertising.
The payout for listening to a song varies from $0.05 up to $0.47 per song, which to be honest is a very good payout for little work. The only “work” you have to do is give some feedback about the song you’ve just heard. Which to be fair is quite reasonable, were would someone pay you to listen to a song and just give your honest opinion about it!

They pay via PayPal and the minimum withdrawal is $20, which is not hard to achieve if you're willing to listen to a few songs. The site is advantageous for both the artists and for the viewers/listeners who are trying to make some cash. Try this new concept and let us know what you think in the comments below.


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