27 Apr 2011


Hopefully, yet another viable option to make money! Autosurfing is a method where companies are able to bring large amounts of traffic to advertised websites. As opposed to manual surfing were to view the next site the member had to click on either an image or a link, autosurfing as you can imagine did this all automatically.

Advertisers pay the autosurf company to add their ad in a rotation system. Then the viewers “view” these ads and are paid in a form of credit. This credit may be exchanged in the form of traffic to your own website. This enables you to get some kind of traffic towards your newly born website! This is most commonly known as “traffic exchange” .  This kind of autosurfing does not require any kind of investment but....

Autosurfing may also be part of a Ponzi scheme were the members are expected to make some kind of investment to join the autosurfing company. As I mentioned in the HYIPs post, the earlier members get a very high ROI while the others are not guaranteed money so make sure that if you do join this kind of scheme you know the risks and implications of such high risk ventures!

I will be trying an autosurfing site and let you know how I go! Keep us informed with your experiences in the autosurfing realm in the comments below.


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