27 Apr 2011



Domain names, that is the name of an internet website, can actually provide you with a good income if invested properly. What I’m saying is that you buy a domain name that you may think is catchy and could be used in the future. After this is done, you try and sell this domain name for a profit.

It requires some sort of foresight, where one will know if the website could actually be sold to a big company and thus make a profit. This could be compared to real estate where one buys and sells propery hoping to make a profit, since he forsees the property that he just bought being able to be sold at a higher value than he bought it.

It is important that one tries to keep in mind the world’s current affairs. For example, right now theres great turmoil in North African countries; buying a domain name that could be sold to publish news about this turmoil would seem as a good investment (no guarantees there mind you!).

It is interesting to note that domain names on average increase in value automatically, so don’t try and sell it at a loss if you can afford to wait! If the name is actually any good you can earn some money just from advertising, since the domain name will automatically get quite a good amount of hits. Try it out and check out www.godaddy.com for domain names, while you can sell it over at www.sedo.co.uk.


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