26 Apr 2011

European Roulette

Hey all,

Blogger here, European roulette may actually give someone a decent income! I know it's gambling but one can significantly put the odds in your favor, with some patience and the strategy I'm going to propose. 

First of all European roulette consists of 2 colors red, black and a zero. By betting on black or red, one practically has a 50% chance of winning (ignoring the low probability that a 0 comes up). By betting $0.10 on red, and the ball falls on red, you end up winning $0.20, it doubles your bet. All well and good, but if you lose what will you do? 

The strategy I am proposing to increase your odds is by doubling on red, meaning that you now bet $0.20 on red. In this way if you win, you will win $0.40, and make a profit of $0.10 the original amount you would have won if you won with the first bet. If you lose again you double the bet to $0.80 on red....You get my idea. The odds of lets say 8 reds coming out are 2 to the power of 8, which is equal to a 1/256 chance, which to be fair is VERY unlikely. I tried it out and made some cash, but got ahead of myself by increasing my bets when I shouldn't have.

You can try this with fake money on some online poker casinos. I was using PKR and tried it out with play money. The gains can be VERY rewarding, don't forget there is always a risk and I am NOT guaranteeing you will win anything! 

Idea over,
Blogger :)

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