15 May 2011

Niche marketing...

In very simple terms, niche marketing is precisely what its name suggests; this is when companies market their services or products to a group of "breeds". They promote a business to a certain group, this group (or niche) would be more likely to buy the products the business is promoting. This is both beneficial for the buyer and seller where the business is selling directly to the seller without any third party and thus avoiding wasting effort on other people that are clearly not interested in the product.

A clear example would be a clothing company which makes clothes for adults, the business/company would initially target their marketing to any or all adults. If later, they introduced a brand new line of baby clothing, the group they marketed products for will be different: they would need to aim their efforts and promotions to the actual niche, which would probably end up being largely new parents to buy infants clothes in this case. This would have an effect on how they would choose and differentiate their audience. For example, they might focus more on the practical side of clothing instead of fashion, which they may be prone to target with adult clothing.

Identifying a distinct segment market, is something extremely important to do. For instance, if a company tried to promote a product for the entire market, they may find which their promotions were too common or fade thus being wasted. Finding their most appropriate niche market means that they'll target the needs and interests of the group and adapt their correct marketing.

This is where blogging is a very good way to target a niche market. By choosing your blog niche you will decide what kind of people/audience you are appealing to. In this way you may also choose to sell certain products on your site thus being able to be a seller to a certain extent. Their are various affiliate programs that will share a commision with you for every product you sell, thus choosing the right product/niche and making sure they can go toghether will be extremely beneficial.

The better your choice the better chance of making some cash online!! Keep the money rolling..

Check out the original article here

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