4 Apr 2012



30 Jun 2011

Step by step guides: Part One

Hey all,

As promised I'm going to start giving you some step by step guides how to get a foothold in the online making area. Let's go...

I've been going through some forums and I noticed one particular problem with regards to people who are trying to cash in in the online market and something that caught my eye, not in a good way mind you, was that people are trying to hard to make the money. It is important to keep in mind that people rarely go online to buy random stuff, your aim is to solve their problem and in doing so they will eventually buy stuff because you convinced them that it will solve their problem.

Start off with a general idea of what you want to do and build up from there. Without a clear mindset you will end up going round and round in circles without actually managing to move forward. Brainstorm on this general idea and keep on it, try and get some feedback from certain gurus. Your plan should be more specific, regarding the niche you're going to start working in, while also going into some detail with regards to how you're going to promote your site/product.

Start off by asking yourself questions that will help you move in the right direction. Make sure you work on your strong points, it is not your job to become a better rounded in making money online but only to use them to your advantage.

After doing all this I suggest starting a website. I'm sure you would like to try it out first and go on from there and luckily enough there is a free way to host your own personalized website. The answer being www.blogger.com. If you're more confident try out Host Gator. It's a cheap and great way for you to start off in the online world.

Most people are put off by the fact that they don't know how to program, don't know how to use html. First of all it is not as hard as it seems, secondly their are free professional formats that are available you just need to be willing to search for them!

Remember your main aim is to solve peoples problem's so if you find yourself just trying to sell and not actually helping the person in need you are not doing your job right. Keep your site open to a greater audience and you may reap the rewards, remember to not leave it to general or else you might end up being to general for google to actually rank you.

As always be patient and you will eventually get what you deserve. Making money online requires some work but it will be beneficial in the long run as you will be earning money passively without actually doing anything, it is hard to start up but as more time passes you will become more and more confident. You may consider it as an avalanche effect, as more time passes the easier it gets. Experience is key!

Start an email list and work from there, people are less likely to buy from someone if they don't have any clue who the seller is, try and make contact with them and they will come back to you! Keep on checking us out for more specific methods! I will be updating regularly for all you guys!

25 Jun 2011

Hey all,

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, going through some work with regards to the offline world, I'll soon be back with the latest news don't you worry! I've been asked questions with regards to what differentiates between a person capable of making money online and one who doesn't, and I'm sure all of you are interested.

First of all motivation is one of the most important factors, you should make sure that this isn't just a phase (time is money) you are going through, so try and avoid the obvious disappointment and avoid it as soon as possible and move on to the next trend. Try and keep yourself motivated by checking out with latest forums with regards to making money online and people like you and me actually managing to! Remember that all money making gurus started off like you and me, they had to go through their own hard patch to get were they are now. It is extremely important no to let anyone tell you that you won't make money, try it out yourself and then confirm their statement. From my experience PTC are not very profitable, the money they pay is minimal and not worth the effort, but I can at least say I tried and did not get too far.

Curiosity is also extremely important. If you are a curious and adventurous person you would more likely try new methods of how to make money online and are willing to take that risk. You are willing to click around and actually check what other people are trying and would check if they actually work or if they are yet another scam. It is important that before you try any new method or company you do the required research about that company because losing your hard earned money will be heart breaking and I can assure you, it is not something you will want to go through.

Taking risks is the crux of any investment, be it offline or online. Are you the person who wants to always make the safe choice that will not give you a big enough ROI (return on investment) or are you the person who is willing to risk a lot and ultimately gain a lot? This is a choice every individual has to make for themselves. You must have a certain amount of business savvy to notice whether the risk is worth the final outcome and the amount of money you make (or lose) will ultimately depend on your choices and those a lone and not of other people.

The great thing about making money online is that you are you're own boss and don't have to answer to anybody above you, this has its own perks obviously but it also has its own problems. You are ultimately the one who will shoulder all the blame if anything goes wrong and you have to make the important decisions. Remember to make friends along the way as these are more likely to help you and move towards making money online quicker and more efficiently. For any quires just send me an email and I will be willing to answer as soon as possible.

Keep the money rolling

22 May 2011

Experience Update

Hey guys,

Just keeping you informed about my PTC experience..have to say did not work out as I had hoped. Too much time needed, unfortunately I don't have any to waste since I'm loaded with work and stuff. Gave up trying to make some money off that.

Have to admit that the lot of talks forum is a much better way to make some cash. It requires a little more effort but is much more fun and is actually interesting. Don't expect to become rich overnight or anything via this forum but you can actually make some extra cash. I have also been trying out musicXray, listen to some songs give some feedback and get paid for that feedback. It helps both the bands and our pockets so check it out!

If any of you actually have some forums/ sites that pay for some feedback leave a comment in the section below.

Spread the wealth,

Online Surveys!

Anyone looking to earn some extra money at home, online surveys are a solution. Online job surveys give a flexible schedule with no cap on the number of income you can gain. You are in charge of yourself thus able to work at your own pace. I’ve researched home business for years and years – there exists money to be made in surveys, all this is not necessarily in exchange for direct cash.

You will find points and rewards which you will be able to exchange for cash. Marketing companies value the knowledge the public gives through these surveys and are willing to pay good money to pay for it.Filling out online surveys is an easy job that literally anyone can do, you do not need to have any past experience. You just have to give your opinion about certain products and companies will pay you for this!

A person who take his or her time on online job surveys and provides quality feedback will eventually gain more. A clear advantage is that no survey is a like thus you will not get bored easily. The surveys you fill out will change certain things. If you have been abroad you will notice that certain products, although being a francize, will not be exactly the same. It depends on the surveys people fill out they will vary the ingredients/service to suit the particular wants of that country.

The flexibility that on-line job surveys offer is designed for everyone from the active secondary school student, the college university student, stay at home moms and even the retired. Due to the large amount of online surveys and the rate at which they continue to grow you will never run of online surveys to complete.

The best thing about online surveys it that you can fit the work accordingly to your scheduleYou do not need to go an office, you are free to do everything you want to do and in your free time fill in these surveys. You may also work and do online surveys on the side, increasing your income in your free time get that extra cash to go for a holiday or saving up for a new car!

21 May 2011

Taxes taxes taxes....

Taxes are without a doubt a massive topic among people, especially when politics starts getting involved. Everyone seems to have some kind of opinion (not necessarily an informed one mind you!).Not everone agrees with taxes but one thing we can be sure about is that we all have to pay up. Failing to comply, that is not paying will either get you in big trouble.

I am here to help you cut the amount of money you pay in taxes legally and in some easy and simple steps. If you didn’t know, the governement gives some leeway to some individuals who find themselves in certain categories, by falling into these categories yourself you may find your wallet with some extra cash!

20 May 2011

Money for students!

A good starting point is by supplying your services and get paid.Use you’re skills and try and find a job that you are sure you will be good at. Let’s say you enjoy writing articles, a good opportunity would be becoming a freelance writer. You can start off by advertising you’re particular skill at fiverr. Or if you have the best camera and are reasonably good at photography, you could snap shots and sell them off online.

Many successful online entrepreneurs have a lot of things on their mind. They have many tasks to go through but will rarely have any full-time employees to do them. A good idea would be to try and help out were you can, although you may not get paid there is a very good chance that they will be willing to teach you some online ways and get you off your feet after completing your course. You may consider this idea as an investment towards a better future with regards to making some online cash.

Go through your old stuff and check if there is anything worthwhile that you may not need and can actually sell it online. There are so many online shops were you can auction your stuff, if I had to mention them all I would never stop. I would recommend amazon and eBay. These have been around for a long time and are good ways to get started off. Check out my eBay post on how to start an online business in this way.

Try and teach students other subjects that you are good at. If you are good at Math for example try and give some lessons online. You can sell this service on forums and other places. Make sure to be ready for some work though, you must remain faithful to your students and make sure that you will help them as much as possible. Charge accordingly and as you become more renowned be ready for the cash to start coming in!

Blogging! No start up cash needed, although a great amount of time is expected. Many college students are trying out cost-per-action (CPA) and affiliate marketing which are able to give you quite a bit of cash. By publishing content that is of interest to their target market and displaying ads (which you will get paid for every click or sign-up) for corresponding products, advertisers will be pay you for every sale/click! Just try them out check which works best for you!